Work and studying, life lessons, words

Beyond …, entrepreneurship and life philosophy, my interests include programming, travel, cooking and teaching myself anything I can.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Manipal University and a master’s in computer science from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. But also a business type. In addition to his technology-oriented degrees, he has a master’s in business administration from the University of Chicago.

At the heart of my work is a desire to combine the practical with the idealistic, and to meet the challenges of the modern world in an innovative way.


Avid student of life. Problem-solver. Lover of nature, adventure.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering and a master’s degree in engineering information technology and applied informatics from Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

She is passionate about computer science, electronics, renewable energy, environmental protection (and also about travels, languages, foreign cultures), and is always looking for ways to link these interests with tech and innovation. At the heart of her work is a desire to combine the practical with the idealistic, to meet the challenges of the modern world in an innovative way. She draws inspiration from nature, and seeks to apply its principles in her work.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


I am passionate about the intersection of business and technology and am looking forward to working in this space.

.. is passionate about travel, committed to regular exercise and …

It sounds like you really enjoy traveling and staying active.

I’ve always been excited by opportunities to challenge myself with the unfamiliar. As I dug deeper into what it’s like to work at McKinsey, there was no question in my mind that I would get amazing business training here. Plus, I’d have a unique opportunity to have meaningful impact on an exceptionally broad range of topics spanning every major global industry and function.

McKinsey offered the structured problem solving of engineering, the meaningful and positive impact I had felt as a teacher, and the exposure to the leading organizations and people I had worked with as an attorney.

  •  In the 10 years since we met in law school, my wife has become the most essential source of joy and inspiration in my life.

Indeed, one of the things that excited me most about my future at McKinsey is the opportunity to take advantage of the global mobility options it affords.

Is the promise of doing “work that matters” at McKinsey just a marketing hook, or is it something that you found to be true in practice?

Personally, I wanted to travel and gain “real world” experience after 5 years in school.

High-performing, energetic, and adventurous.

I’ve learned to have more faith in myself. As Sheryl Sandberg highlights in Lean In, we often miss out because we act in fear–saying, “I’m not qualified enough for that.”

Yes, absolutely! For example, when I worked for one client we were asked to partner with someone in the business strategy group, but were cautioned that he was very difficult. I took it as a challenge. I decided to have informal discussions with him more or less every day, even if we didn’t have a meeting set up, to really get to know him. This meant we could have very open feedback discussions. If he felt we missed the mark or if I saw an issue within his team, we mutually shared that with each other. I was anxious in the beginning, but with time and effort, we built a positive working relationship that helped us both succeed.

I chose McKinsey because I knew I would be exposed to more challenges in a range of companies, meet very special people, and also have a steeper learning curve.

You weren’t afraid to push yourself. That’s something we hear a lot about the people who join. Changing jobs means you leave the comfortable and familiar behind. My project manager realized I was keen on learning.

What are the keys to being a role model at McKinsey? Stay true to oneself. Showing emotions is the best I can do as a role model, and to lead change. I say what I think, and act accordingly. McKinsey has shown me how to build on these qualities of honesty and straightforwardness.

Some people think consulting is intellectually fascinating but doesn’t create entrepreneurial opportunities to build something tangible. What have you found?McKinsey uncovered my passion for building something that lasts. I have experienced the energizing experience of bringing big ideas to life.

McKinsey will throw you in the deep end, pushing you out of your comfort zone. That creates the greatest opportunity for learning.

bring the positive change to the world that he was seeking from the start.

It took me two years to realize I needed to change. So I put the wheels in motion. I applied to INSEAD, got accepted, and quit my job. Then, before I started school, I embarked on a 7,000 km cycling journey through Africa to promote renewable energy.

You eventually chose McKinsey as the best place to pursue your passion for renewable energy and sustainability.

Work/life balance has been challenging for me, but I finally realized that it is my responsibility to set those boundaries. With so many passions outside work, I have learned to be strict about my boundaries

And the engineering degrees?

Ulrich: They have been absolutely essential to my career. My second engagement was with a truck manufacturer in Germany, and when you talk to engineers about material-cost optimization for engines, you’re not credible in their eyes if you don’t have an engineering degree and understand how an engine works. You need to speak their language and understand production technologies or it’s going to be hard to be accepted as a thought partner on a working team.

It fit so closely to my passions that I felt I had to jump at the chance.

I expected to be exposed to various industries and I have been. I have also learned a lot through the structural approach taken by McKinsey to solve our clients’ problems. The most unexpected aspect is the relationships I have built with members of my teams and with clients.

Getting to know outstanding people (coworkers and clients) and solving problems together.

effective communication builds relationships and trust and that these are critical to have in place when it is time to make a recommendation. Established trust is so important to managing relationships with stakeholders.

  1. Books: I read a lot, and I translate textbooks for college students. I will definitely try to write a book one day.
  2. Running shoes: They always remind me to work out and take care of my body.
  3. Laptop and cellphone: These are must-haves for consultants on the go.


Working on my thights

Skinny Legs Part 3: Endomorph Nutrition and Workout Guidelines


Alright endomorphs! As promised, here is your how to get skinny legs nutrition and workout guideline. Unfortunately, your body type makes it a little more challenging for you to achieve thin, toned legs, but it is not impossible. It will just take longer and require more hard work and dedication. Your best bet it to combine both exercise and a healthy diet, as it will be more difficult to achieve fat loss and skinny legs with just diet or exercise alone.

Nutrition Guideline

The most important thing is not to eat too many or too little calories. You need to get that balance right! You should be in a slight calorie deficit, but not too much as you will be working out intensely and need to fuel your body for your workouts. For more on my daily diet, check out my previous blog post here.

What you should be eating

Protein and fats will be your new best friends! Make sure you’re eating a diet that is high in protein and healthy fat. Good sources of protein include: lean meat (especially chicken), eggs, protein powder, yoghurt and soy beans. Good sources of healthy fats include salmon, avocado, nuts, nut butter, eggs and healthy dips.

What you shouldn’t be eating

Carbs are not your friend. Unfortunately, your body type cannot get away with a high carb diet or too many naughty treats so you must have discipline. You still need to eat carbs as they are absolutely essential for your body to function. But make sure you’re sticking to a low carb diet and are avoiding processed foods and alcohol. Good sources of carbs include: fruit, green vegetables, sweet potato, white potato, whole meal bread, brown rice, and oats.

The timing of your carb intake is also very important. Ensure that you focus on eating carbs first thing in the morning or within one hour of your workout. Post workout, your body is in an anabolic state and needs the carbs to replenish your body, NOT store fat. This is the absolute best time to consume carbs, whether it be morning or night. Research has also shown that glucose tolerance is highest in the morning so your body is best able to deal with carbs in the morning.

Workout Guideline

Your number one goal should be fat loss. For optimum results you should be doing the following

  • Weight training 3-4 times per week
  • At least 20 minutes of cardio after every weight training session
  • 2-3 days of cardio only
  • One rest day per week

Weight training

Your goal should not be to lift as heavy as you can as you can bulk easily. Your goal should be to exercise at a high intensity to burn maximum calories. A full body weights program will work better than a split program (i.e. chest and triceps, back and biceps, legs and shoulders on separate days).

Keep your weight high but not at your maximum (i.e. 70%) and keep your reps high (12-15). To increase intensity and burn maximum calories, only have short breaks between sets (30-60 seconds) to keep your heart rate up. Increase intensity by including supersets, drop sets and HIIT.


Try to do at least 20 minutes of cardio after every weights session. That means you will be doing some form of cardio during every workout (i.e. 6 times per week). It is beneficial to do cardio after a weight session because doing weights uses up your glycogen stores, which means your body will use more fat during your cardio workout (for more information on this, check out my previous skinny legs blog post oncardio).

You should also have at least 2-3 days of cardio only. Moderate intensity cardio will work best for your body type and to help you achieve fat loss on your lower body and get those desired skinny legs.


You MUST have at least one rest day. Because your program is so intense, rest is going to be very important to help your body recover and prevent you from injury. If this program is too much, start out with a less intense program and work your way up. Or start by lifting very light and doing low intensity cardio and build up.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. It will take you longer to see a difference, but you just need to persist! Your legs will probably be the last place that you see any weight loss (this is normal for most females) so if you’re seeing fat loss in your upper body and stomach, then keep going! You’re on the right track to getting rid of that stubborn fat on your legs. Everyone is different, but it may take up to 8 weeks to see any noticeable difference